ductless heat pump

Ductless heat pump systems use less than 60% of the energy of other electrical heating methods.

Heat pumps have been around for decades, and the technology has continued to improve. They have always been popular in nordic countries. If you want to have an efficient, effective solution to your heating needs, a ductless heat pump might be the right answer.

Here are five benefits to having a heat pump that you should consider:

1. Save Money on Bills

The way that heat pumps work is energy efficient. They cost less to run per hour than other forms of electric heating. One of the reasons for this is that a ductless heat pump doesn’t have to heat the entire house, just the rooms you want heated.

Even if you choose to keep it on for the whole home, it won’t cause the spike in utility prices you’re used to seeing.

2. No Ductwork

One of the most expensive parts of having a traditional central HVAC installation is the ductwork. Ducts are made of metal and have to be fabricated and then installed. This takes up time and labor which can amount to thousands of dollars by the time the entire system is installed.

With a ductless system that’s no longer a problem. Ductless heating ensures that there’s no large, degrading infrastructure in your home.

3. Cleaner Air

Due to the fact that there are no ducts, the air that comes through the system isn’t going to be as dirty. A lot of the pollution in our air is due to dust, particulate matter, and other contaminants. These find a place in air ducts and can be hard to clean.

By comparison, it is quite easy to keep a mini-split ductless system wiped down and free of dirt and debris.

4. Quiet

Not all heating solutions are quiet, but ductless heat pumps are. There are no moving parts or mechanical aspects to the system. This means that the only sound is the gentle rumble of a fan and the air moving.

If installed right, the heat pump will be so quiet that you won’t even notice that it is running.

5. Supplemental Heating and Cooling

Whether you’re undergoing HVAC repair or your system can’t keep up in the hottest times, a ductless heat pump can help. Heat pumps can operate as both heating but also as ductless air conditioning. This will keep your home warmer in the winter, and cooler in the summer.

The versatility of the heat pump means that you can use it at times when your central HVAC system may not be appropriate. In spring or fall, when the temperature is fluctuating a heat pump can act as a bit of extra comfort.

Ductless Heat Pump

No matter what you want to do with your ductless heat pump, it will perform. They are great for making sure you have the best quality of life possible. Don’t struggle with the heat and cold in your home any longer.

Contact us so we can help get your ductless heat pump installed.
