new air conditioner

Brace yourself for the return of El Nino! Expect searing heat waves to overshadow your daily activities soon.

You can only rely on your AC units to help you overcome the scorching heat. As such, make sure that it’s working well.

Conduct a preliminary examination to see whether you should update your AC unit. Here are five signs that you need a new air conditioner today!

1. Lack of Cool Air

If cool air doesn’t come out of your AC unit a few minutes after turning it on, there’s a high chance of technical issues. For instance, clogged pipping, registers, or ductwork might restrict proper airflow within your system.

Regardless of the issue, contacting your local HVAC company is always best. They’ll determine whether your AC problems are fixable or whether it would be more practical to buy a new AC.

2. Strange Sounds and Foul Smells

Air conditioning units, old or new, are carefully designed to operate without making evidential noises. As such, if you hear your AC unit humming louder than when you first bought it, take it as a sign to upgrade.

The louder the noise, the worse the problem. Banging sounds, for instance, means loose parts inside the compressor. Screeching or buzzing sounds often result from unbalanced fan motors and blades.

At the same time, the air conditioner’s noticeable smells are never expected. They’re designed to be as compact and neutral-smelling as possible.

When your AC unit smells of car exhaust, there might be a leak in the refrigerant line. While rotten eggs or musty smell point to water accumulation or dead animals in the system.

A smoky or burning smell indicates that some of your AC is overheating and will eventually burn. This and gas or skunky odor require immediate attention from HVAC experts.

3. Short-Cycling

The compressor in your AC unit starts its cooling cycles lasting 15-20 minutes. Please take it as a warning when the compressor shuts down before completing the process. If it continues to turn on and off during the first 30 minutes or hour, there’s no doubt you need an AC replacement.

HVAC experts call this short-cycling a frequent problem homeowners encounter with AC units. If left as is, short cycling can lead to a hike in electric bills and possible burning.

4. When You See Moisture Buildup

Properly functioning AC units should be able to handle moisture buildup without an issue. However, when you start noticing a regular pool of moisture around the AC, be suspicious. There’s a high chance that the refrigerant is leaking, and you need to fix the problem before it becomes a breeding ground for mold.

5. High Energy Bills Might Signal a New Air Conditioner

Generally, central air conditioner use between 3000-3500 watts per hour. Hence, they do add value to your monthly electric bill.

However, AC units shouldn’t consume too much electricity the older it gets. How much more money you have to pay will depend on your use. Thus, if you notice a spike in your electricity and know there are no significant changes in your electricity consumption, check your AC unit.

Your AC unit might be working too hard at the expense of electricity consumption.

The only remedy? Call your local Clark company for a new air conditioner.

Wrap Up Your Faulty Air Conditioner Today!

If you notice one or more of these symptoms, contact our team of HVAC experts immediately! There’s nothing more pressing than facing the scorching hot summer with a faulty AC unit. Grab a new air conditioner for better efficiency, improved air quality, and reduced possibility of a heat stroke!
