hvac filters

Does your indoor air smell dusty or moldy? Do you sneeze, sniffle, or cough whenever your HVAC system runs? And do all these symptoms disappear or improve when you go outside?

If you answered yes to all those questions, it’s time to examine your HVAC filters more closely. After all, the type you have influences how effective they are in trapping air pollutants.

We’ve discussed the different types of HVAC filters and how they affect your system and indoor air quality (IAQ), so read on.

Fiberglass Filters

Fiberglass filters are the most widely used HVAC filters because they’re the most inexpensive. They’re usually the type you get when you buy a new system to replace an old furnace or AC.

Fiberglass filters typically have a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 1 to 4. A filter’s MERV rating measures its ability to capture particles between 0.3 and 10 microns. Filters with a MERV of 1 to 4 can capture less than 20% of particles with a size of 3 to 10 microns.

That MERV rating is the minimum level of filtration needed to keep large particles from entering the HVAC system. So, a fiberglass filter allows for the most airflow but does little to capture tinier particles and boost IAQ. Still, this type of filter may be okay if you have healthy lungs and don’t have pets.

Pleated Filters

Pleated HVAC filters usually have a MERV rating between 5 and 13. They trap common allergens in the home, including dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.

Your HVAC system has to work harder to force air through a pleated filter, causing a slight increase in its energy use. However, that can be worth it, especially if you need better IAQ because, like 24 million people in the U.S., you have environmental allergies.

Electrostatic Filters

Like fiberglass filters, electrostatic filters typically have a MERV rating of 1 to 4. Their primary advantage is that they’re washable.

Unlike fiberglass, electrostatic filters don’t trap contaminants in fibrous media. Instead, they force the pollutants to adhere to metal plates. Washing the filters with a mild soap and water solution is enough to remove these particles.

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters

HEPA filters can theoretically capture 99.97% of particles in the 0.3-micron range. Their efficiency is even higher for larger particles.

So, if you want the highest filtration efficiency, go for HEPA filters. However, you should first verify if your HVAC system is compatible with them. You can also ask your friendly local HVAC technician if you can use these filters the next time they visit for a pre-season HVAC tune-up.

Breathe Easier With the Right HVAC Filters

Your choice of HVAC filters affects your system’s airflow and energy consumption, your home’s IAQ, and your health. The higher their MERV rating, the more pollutants they can filter, but at the cost of reduced airflow and higher energy use. So, unless you have severe or chronic lung illnesses, you may be okay with a filter rated at 13 MERV.

If you’re still unsure, the experts at MetFab Heating & Cooling can help. We’ve been in business for nearly 50 years, but the combined experience of the MetFab family’s HVAC professionals is over 150 years.

So, contact us today if you need help with your AC or heater! We’ll use all our knowledge and expertise to satisfy your HVAC and filtration needs.
