HVAC making loud noise

Monthly temperatures in Vancouver, WA range from lows of 35 degrees in winter to 82 degrees in summer. With such a diversity in temperature, it’s easy to understand why HVAC services are in such high demand in this area.

There are all kinds of noises an HVAC system might make. But unless you’re a trained professional, it’s hard to identify what these different sounds mean for your unit.

Is your HVAC making a loud noise? You could be facing a problem with your unit. That’s why we’ve put this HVAC noise guide together to help you understand the issue. Read on to find out everything you need to know.

Normal Noises

Just like any piece of mechanical equipment, an HVAC will make certain natural noises. Common HVAC noises include humming and the occasional banging sound.

If you notice a drastic change in the noise your unit is making, it’s time to call in the professionals.


Rattling is one of the most common noises you might hear from a malfunctioning HVAC unit. Generally, this means something inside the unit has come loose and is waving around unsecured.

If you hear this noise, it’s best to turn the HVAC unit off right away. The unit has likely broken down in some way, and continuing to run it could cause the problem to get worse.


Banging could mean there’s an issue with the blower. That’s why you may hear banging when this crucial part comes loose from its bearings.

A little banging doesn’t necessarily mean disaster for the HVAC unit. It might just be that something has fallen inside and is causing the sound. If that’s the case, an HVAC professional will get things quickly back on track for you.


Buzzing is one of the most irritating sounds an HVAC unit can make. It also indicates a problem inside the unit that could lead to a breakdown eventually.

This irritating sound could be caused by a loose part vibrating or by something more serious, like a refrigerant leak. It’s best to be on the safe side and shut down the unit before any more damage occurs.


A hissing sound coming from an HVAC could mean big trouble. Generally, this HVAC noise means either a leaking air duct or leaking refrigerant.

Both of these problems require urgent attention from a professional technician. Be sure to disconnect the unit while you wait for help.

Stop Your HVAC Making a Loud Noise

There are many more noises made by an HVAC on the fritz. If your HVAC is making a loud noise, the unit probably needs maintenance or repair. You ought to call in professionals to take a look as soon as possible.

Looking for a trusted company to help you? MetFab Heating and Cooling are just a click or a phone call away! Contact us today and find out more about how we can help.
