noisy air conditioner

It’s summer, you’re in the middle of a heatwave, and you turn your AC unit on for some much-needed relief. You sit down to catch up on your Netflix favorites, and you can’t hear the TV over the loud noise of your air conditioner.

What are some reasons for a noisy air conditioner and how can you fix it? Thankfully, there are some methods you can try to quiet down your loud AC unit.

Try these steps to diagnose common AC noises and keep your home both cool and quiet.

Use Noise Blankets

An easy solution to a noisy air conditioner is to install noise blankets. Simply have your HVAC tech install a noise blanket around your air conditioner’s compressor.

Noise blankets help to insulate a compressor, and using one will help reduce the noise from a loud air conditioner.

Absorbing Sound Outside

One simple and cost-effective way to stop a noisy air conditioner is to use sound barriers. You can absorb some sounds using plants and reduce the noise level on your property. Some plant types are better than others, so consider this before tackling your landscaping.

Wood fencing can also help reduce air conditioner noises. Like vegetation, wood can help block and absorb sound.

Before messing around with these methods, talk to your HVAC company. You don’t want to place any barriers too close to your unit.

Noises Caused by Broken AC Units

In many cases, common AC noises stem from a unit that hasn’t been properly maintained or is in need of repair. Noises can be the result of broken components—which can cause vibrations—or simply due to an older unit at the end of its lifespan.

Here are some common reasons for AC noise:

  • Malfunctioning compressor
  • Loose parts
  • Busted motor
  • Electrical problems
  • Leaks
  • The wrong size air filter
  • Old units

If you suspect your AC unit isn’t working as it should, call for AC repair to get the problem diagnosed and fixed. HVAC technicians can help fix common problems such as inefficient airflow, blockages, broken parts, or units in need of replacement. By repairing the problem, you’ll also solve the noise issue.

Upgrading to a Quieter AC Unit

Newer air conditioning units are quieter and more efficient. Some new models even have noise-reduction technology for whisper-quiet performance.

Old air conditioners, particularly inefficient ones, tend to run at full capacity. This can create lots of noise, making it hard to hear and relax in your home.

Consider replacing your old unit with a more efficient one. Try to get a model that has a variable blower fan speed.

Quiet That Noisy Air Conditioner

Loud air conditioning units can be the result of loose parts or due to having an old or malfunctioning system. If you want to get to the bottom of a noisy air conditioner, contact a heating and cooling company.

If you want to beat the summer heat without worrying about a noisy AC unit, contact us at MetFab Heating and Cooling to request a quote or service. We can help get your home back to being cool and quiet!
