old furnace

We’re back to the Ber months, days are growing shorter and the temperature is dropping. With the cold weather approaching, you may find yourself depending more and more on your trusty old furnace to keep you warm and cozy.

However, what if your trusty old furnace isn’t as trusty as it used to be? Here are the top five signs that tell you when it’s time to go for a new, shinier model.

1. Skyrocketing Energy Bills

One of the most noticeable signs your old furnace may be on its last legs is the steady increase in your energy costs. As furnaces age, they tend to lose their efficiency, leading to higher energy consumption.

Find one that matches your needs from the main types of furnaces:

  • Oil Furnaces: the upfront cost is cheaper, but is 10% to 20% less efficient than gas furnaces
  • Natural Gas Furnaces: highly economical with up to 98% efficiency
  • Electric Furnaces: most budget-friendly and easiest to install
  • Propane: a great option if oil and gas aren’t easy to get in your area

Investing in a modern, greener model can save you money on your monthly bills in the long run. It will also be more energy-efficient and reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Inconsistent Heating

Do you find yourself playing a never-ending game of thermostat roulette?  If you’re trying to get each room in your home to a comfortable temperature, then your furnace has major heating issues.

An old, broken furnace can struggle to distribute heat evenly. If some rooms are too hot, while others stay cold, it’s a clear sign your furnace is no longer up to the task.

3. Frequent Breakdowns

If you often call a technician to repair your furnace year after year, it may be more cost-efficient to invest in a new furnace.

Older furnaces tend to break down more frequently, making your runs to HVAC services so much more expensive. Not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort of a cold home during repairs.

A new furnace often comes with a warranty. This will give you peace of mind and you from the inconvenience of unexpected cold snaps in your home.

4. Unusual Noises

Furnaces are not famous for their silence, but if your old furnace is suddenly belting out a symphony of clanks, bangs, or squeals, it’s time to take notice. These noises are like warning signals from your furnace, indicating its parts are under stress or worn out.

Don’t just turn up the TV to drown out the noise. Consider replacing your old unit to ensure your home’s safety and serenity.

5. Age Matters

Furnace, unlike fine wine, doesn’t get better with age. The typical lifespan of a furnace ranges from 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is approaching this age or has already crossed that threshold, it’s high time to think about a replacement.

Fix Your Old Furnace With Metfab Healing & Cooling

It’s important not to ignore these signs from your old furnace. Waiting for it to give up completely can lead to discomfort, higher bills, and potentially unsafe conditions.

If you’re unsure whether it’s time for a replacement, consult with our professionals! They can assess your furnace’s condition and provide recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
