Homeowners might be interested to know that roughly about 15% of homes in the US do not have any kind of heating equipment in their homes. If you’re part of the other 85% of homeowners, you should get familiar with the best practices associated with heating maintenance.

Whether you use natural gas or electricity to heat your home, your HVAC systems need maintenance and upkeep. 

If you fail to keep up with proper HVAC maintenance, you run the risk of losing heat or air conditioning capabilities at the wrong time. It may seem like a hassle to bring a maintenance person out to your home, but the extra effort is worth it in the long run.

This article will help you get familiar with the right times to schedule cooling and heating maintenance for your HVAC units. Read on to learn when you should call a professional to help ensure your HVAC system is running as it should. 

Consider Scheduling Maintenance Right After You Move In

One of the best times to schedule heating and cooling maintenance is right after you purchase a home.

Although you likely had an inspection done on the home, there’s no way to be sure how often the previous homeowner scheduled maintenance on the home’s HVAC system. You can provide yourself with some peace of mind by getting some routine maintenance done.

This time is also a great opportunity to get familiar with a local HVAC specialist you can trust. Ideally, you will be able to use this company for years to come. 

Be Sure to Schedule Maintenance Every Spring and Fall

The worst time of year for your cooling system to break is in the summer months. The last thing you want is to be sweating in your home while you wait for an HVAC repair person to come to fix your air conditioning issue. It can also be a nightmare if your heating system goes out during the winter months.

You’ll have to buy space heaters and blankets to stay warm while you try to find a reliable heating system repair company to come to your house. For these reasons, it’s always a good idea to schedule heating and cooling maintenance every spring and fall.

These seasons are usually more temperature than the summer and winter, so you likely won’t be thinking about your HVAC system as much. Be sure to set reminders for yourself so you remember to schedule maintenance services

Analyzing the Best Times to Schedule Cooling and Heating Maintenance

As you’ve learned from the article above, there’s no downside to scheduling cooling and heating maintenance services.

This will help ensure that your HVAC systems run properly. It will also keep them running properly for years to come. If you’re interested in getting an HVAC maintenance team out to your property, reach out to the professional team at MetFab Heating and Cooling. 
